Index Tabs Single Forward Collated Unpunched
Index Tabs Single Forward Collated Unpunched
* Due to different computer monitors’ color resolution, these colors may not represent the exact color of the product.
SKU: 5100
Count: 1,250

Make these tabs a regular part of your services, if they are not already! Single Forward Collated tabs that you run through your copy machine can be offered as a quick and cost-effective way to give that next project or presentation an "Extra Edge." Choose your position. Sold in full cases.


Color: White

Weight: 90 lbs.

Sheet Size: 11" x 812" plus 12" tab extension

Punch Options: 3-hole punched or unpunched

Printable: No more writing by hand

Five Position Tabs: For clear dividing

Quantity: 5 boxes of 250 sets

1,250 sheets per carton

Priced per carton

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